In an attempt to educate individuals as well the judges, the ACKCSC has developed various education offerings.

ACKCSC Approved Breed Seminar

The ACKCSC has an ‘Approved Breed Seminar’ that meets the requirements as one (1) component towards Judge’s application requirement. This seminar provides information related to history, as well as form and function of the breed, an in-depth consideration of our Breed Standard. Our presentation is 60 minutes in length with additional time allowed for questions and answers. We always try to have at least one example of each of the four colors of Cavaliers present for illustration and examination. We request that the group size be limited to 40 participants per session.

Our Approved Breed Seminar is conducted by one or more Approved Presenters. Requests to sponsor a Cavalier Breed Seminar should be directed to the Breed Education Chair,This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. These requests may come from Regional Cavalier Clubs, All Breed Clubs or Judge’s groups. We attempt to accommodate all requests if possible (see the schedule of Upcoming Breed Education Events). An individual attending an ACKCSC Approved Breed Seminar should expect to receive a copy of our Illustrated Breed Guide and an ACKCSC, Inc. certificate of attendance at an Approved Breed Seminar.


ACKCSC Approved Hands-On Workshop



The ACKCSC has created an Approved Hands-On Workshop that will meet AKC requirements as one (1) component towards Judge’s application requirement. Per the AKC requirements, this Workshop will be a clinical extension of our Approved Breed Seminar. The content will be directed towards developing the knowledge and skills to appropriately evaluate the Cavalier in conformation competition. The Workshop will include:
• A 30 minute presentation that includes instructions on how to properly conduct a breed specific examination and better understand the prioritization of breed characteristics.
• Cavaliers will be present for the participants to examine and rank. The participant will be expected to explain their placements to the Presenter.
• Presenter (Mentor) / Participant ratio will NOT exceed 1:10.


The AKC defines a mentor as an individual with whom a prospective judge has established a long term, ongoing relationship. The ‘Mentor’ may or may not participate in Ringside Observations. Our ‘Approved Mentors’ have agreed to work with those individuals that are in the process of obtaining their license to judge Cavaliers, please feel free to contact these individuals privately.

There are many fine breeders among our members that are willing to establish a mentoring relationship with individuals who simply wish to learn more about our wonderful breed. Please review our Breeder Referral listings for individuals in your area; contact several and get to know them. As someone who is new to our breed or simply wants to learn more, you want to find a breeder that is willing to work with you and one that you can work with long term.

Ringside Observation

The Ringside Observation experience is limited to individuals who are currently licensed to judge other breeds and for new breed provisional judges. This experience may involve an applicant’s long term mentor or a designated ringside mentor. The ringside mentor may become a long term mentor or not.

A Ringside Observation experience is always offered at the ACKCSC National Specialty. With the exception of the ACKCSC National Specialty, an individual desiring a Ringside Observation experience is expected to make their own arrangements with a mentor and with the event’s Show Chair. The AKC has developed specific criteria for Ringside Observation experiences; you should refer to these criteria if you have any questions. Please remember that there are different AKC rules governing a mentor’s participation in a Ringside Observation experience for Specialties versus non-specialty events.

To assist you in arranging for a Ringside Observation experience, the ACKCSC has designated specific individuals as ‘Approved Mentors’ for our breed, along with their contact information. The individual desiring this experience is responsible for bringing copies of the AKC mentoring form and for obtaining the appropriate permissions from the event’s sponsoring club. An arrangement for this experience is purely on an individual basis; there is no need to request permission from the ACKCSC’s Breed Education Chair.


Judge’s Education Committee

·         Cindy Huggins, Chair - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

John Ioia - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Stephanie Abraham - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Carla Mathis - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Lamont Yoder - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Patty Kanan - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Tina Sterling - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

 Mentor/Presenter List

Mentor/Presenter Requirements

Mentor /Presenter Application



Scheduled ACKCSC Approved Breed Seminars - coming soon!




Sponsoring Club / Organization

Contact Information

Additional Information