Health Registry for the
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Program Approved by ACKCSC Board of Directors
and ACKCSC Health Committee
For the past several years the AKC Canine Health Foundation (CHF), in a joint venture with the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA), has piloted a registry program for genetic problems using several breeds in its initial phases.Now this program has been made available for all purebred dogs to participate in under the name of CHIC (Canine Health Information Program). Upon the recommendation of the ACKCSC Health Committee, the ACKCSC Board of Directors has approved participation in this new program. Cavalier King Charles Spaniels will be the 35th breed to sign up for this registry, which is patterned after some of the European registries that have been successful in reducing genetic disease.
CHIC Fees - No Charge
All test results from the OFA and CERF are entered in the CHIC registry AUTOMATICALLY at NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE. All data from both of these registries will be available for researchers working on canine health problems.
CHIC Fact Sheet
The Canine Health Information Center, also known as CHIC, is a centralized canine health database jointly sponsored by the AKC/Canine Health Foundation (AKC/CHF) and the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA).
Mission Statement & Goals
To provide a source of health information for owners, breeders, and scientists, that will assist in breeding healthy dogs by:
Working with parent clubs in the identification of health issues for which a central information system should be established;
Establishing and maintaining a central health information system in a manner that will support research into canine disease and provide health information to owners and breeders;
Requiring scientifically valid diagnostic criteria for the acceptance of information into the database;
And by basing the availability of information on individually identified dogs at the consent of the owner.
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Requirements
To qualify for CHIC, Cavaliers must be screened for Hip Dysplasia (OFA, Penn HIP or OVC), Cardiac (OFA - exam performed by Board Certified Cardiologist. Recommended Annually.), Patellar Luxation (OFA), and have a CERF eye examination. Although it is not required, it is recommended that an initial CERF exam be performed at 8-12 weeks, with a follow up exam once the dog reaches 12 months of age, annual exams thereafter until age 5, and every other year until age 9.
CHIC Basics
CHIC combines the health screening results from multiple sources into one centralized database
CHIC is administered by the OFA, including responsibility for the infrastructure, parent club relations, and daily program communications.
Parent Clubs establish the breed specific testing protocol.
Dogs complying with the breed specific testing requirements are issued CHIC numbers.
Once the recommended testing has been completed and the results are on record with CHIC, CHIC numbers are issued REGARDLESS of the result AS LONG AS the owner agrees to place the results in the public domain. In other words, a dog with abnormal results is still eligible to receive a CHIC number if the owner is willing to share the results.
To be eligible, dogs must be permanently identified.
CHIC numbers should not be misinterpreted as a stamp of approval for breeding. A CHIC number indicates compliance with the parent club recommendation for health screening at a given point in time.
CHIC numbers do not expire, however CHIC clearly indicates test dates so that compliance with recommendations for re-testing can be determined (ex CERF recommendation for annual re-examinations).
CHIC determination is automatic with all OFA/normal, CERF results. For Cavaliers, only PennHIP, OVC, or abnormal CERF results need to be manually sent in. To submit, the owner should send a written request along with the test results to CHIC stating that the results are being submitted for inclusion in the CHIC database.
The CHIC website is located at
AVCIM Registry of Cardiac Health
The Idea for ARCH began a few years ago when several Board Certified Cardiologists felt that there was a need to create a new Registry and Database that would certify and list purebred and mixed breed dogs and cats that were evaluated by ONLY Board Certified Cardiologists. In many areas of the country, General practioners can evaluate dogs and these auscultation results are still accepted by OFA due to the shortages of Board Certified Specialist in some rural areas. Veterinarians on the Board of ACVIM believed that only Board Certified Cardiologists should be used to certify dogs being listed in any Cardiac Registry. So, the plans began to develop this idea.
Although, the ACKCSC does not require that Cavalier owners and breeders participate in ARCH or obtain an ARCH certification for a CHIC number, it is highly recommend that you have your Cavalier evaluated by a Board Certified Veterinary Cardiologist and ask if they participate in the ARCH registration. Before you go for your appointment or to a health clinic, inquire if the cardiologist doing the auscultation is familiar with the ARCH procedures and will take the time to go up on his/her computer and fill in your form so that your dogs can be included in the ARCH Database. It is recommended that everyone go up on the ARCH website and familiarize yourself with the site and the procedure for entering your dogs in the database, obtaining a password so that your Cardiologist will be able to access your group of dogs and record your results.
Since ARCH (ACVIM Registry of Cardiac Health) is administrated by the ACVIM (American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine), any Cavaliers that have been added to the database will create a bank of knowledge for researchers to draw upon as new research grants and projects become established. This registry offers reliable certification to breeders and pet owners that their animals are free of congenital and adult onset heart disease, and exams are conducted solely by Board-certified veterinary cardiologists. This cardiac certification will potentially impact the long term health of dogs and cats, as well as, assisting breeders in screening for both congenital and inherited cardiac disease which will ultimately improve diagnosis, treatment and care in the future.
We suggest that you visit the ARCH site for more information about this Registry and how to find Board Certified Cardiologists in your area. There are downloadable forms for both congenital and adult on-set evaluations that you can fill out and store for when you go to your auscultation examination.
ACKCSC Health Committee, Bettina Sterling, Chair
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ACKCSC, Inc.Patricia Kanan, President
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